Work with Us

ACCYF meets monthly during the academic school year. The monthly May 2022 meeting was used as a virtual retreat for members to recommit to the founding principles of ACCYF. In May 2022, ACCYF members spent time with a facilitator thinking about how to re-energize the organization post-pandemic. Former Supervisor Dave Brown called for a Request for Proposals for youth and organizations that serve youth to hold ACCYF Community Action Discussions. The information from the discussions was presented to ACCYF in January 2023. Alameda youth identified five key areas of concern: safety, housing, mental health, inclusivity & belonging and avenues for feedback & engagement. ACCYF called for a work plan committee which led to the creation of three groups: ACCYF Youth Advocacy Committee, ACCYF Mental Health Work Group and ACCYF Safety Committee. City staff took responsibility for supporting the work of the Youth Advocacy Committee, Alameda Unified School District staff supports the Mental Health Work Group and community-based organization All Good Living Foundation leads the Safety Committee. All three are committed to work together to collaborate on the formation of an ACCYF website scheduled to be launched in the summer of 2023.


Mental Health
