ACCYF Mental Health Work Group

One of the main themes that was lifted up from the ACCYF Community Action Discussions was the call from youth for help with mental health needs.  The purpose of this group will be to increase the understanding of how mental health systems within the City of Alameda function, how youth/families can clearly (or easily) access the services available to them by outlining the different systems and structures within the City of Alameda (ex. School systems, Community Based Mental Health Organizations, City of Alameda services, etc.).

How do I join the mental health work group?

To join the mental health work group, please write to the Mental Health Work Group Chairperson, Kyle Sinkoff at

What does the mental health work group do?

The mental health work group meets once a month via Zoom. The work group would like to create a peer to peer education curriculum to support the wellness of middle school and high school students. The work group works closely with the Youth Committee to populate the ACCYF website with mental health resources. The work group is collaborating with the Youth Committee to develop an Alameda-based LBGTQ+ resource.

Who do I call if I need help?

Visit our resource page for a full list of mental health services available in Alameda.